Blue Tiger Revenge
Blue Tiger Revenge
Episode 56: Comic Team Tony Gregori & David Crispino

Episode 56: Comic Team Tony Gregori & David Crispino


Double the dosage of that Tiger Milk ! As artist Tony Gregori returns with writer David Crispino

and just in time to shake the Grinch from Big Bry’s Christmas beard! The guys are Kickstarting the next volume of their good-hearted cosmic hero, Taft Sturgeon, with a 140 page Christmas special, “Holiday in the Stars.”

David and Tony are long time collaborators with projects such as “Ancient Noise,” which is how the Revenge Crew first crossed paths with the duo.

Taft Sturgeon” originally debuted as a companion story in the Image Comics series “Shutter,” and was then later collected and kickstarted in a 35 page comic. Now Taft is back! This time he’s found himself being dropped right into the intergalactic North Pole. So get ready for some space Santa madness (oohhh yeahhhh), cause its looking to be a real holiday escapade!

Crispino writes a Christmas classic that bucks the usual, done-to-death, Santa tropes and instead focuses on what is the true-north of the Yule spirit. The goodwill of mankind, or space-kind that is, and doing that which is right by way of those who matter most.

Tony, who’s art may be familiar with his recent work on “Rick and Morty” and “TMNT,” brings the book to life with his exuberant cartoon styling and emotive physical comedy.


With everything that’s happening in Earths zeitgeist “Taft Sturgeon: Holiday in the Stars” is a much welcomed holiday escape. Like a long-discovered John Candy flick, it brings the heart and soul that is sometimes lost in this hustle and bustle of this holiday season.

The Kickstarter campaign is currently live, with only a couple weeks left! So give the gift of a wonderful independent/creator-owned comic to yourself and your loved ones.


A note from Tadd: The “NOW” is the resurgence of the independent creator through crowd sourcing and self-publishing availability. As the veil gets pulled back ever further and the predatory practices of the corporate models get revealed, it is more and more important to support those who actually create the stories and art that we as consumers enjoy. So SUPPORT INDIE PROJECTS and CREATORS. Help make the indies the mainstream. Even the smallest of gestures can be of the biggest help.

Have you experienced the elusive and majestic energy of the Blue Tiger? Had a sighting in the wilderness of the eternal forest? Drank the blue milk of it’s revenge? Then let the people know it exists!

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Blue Tiger Revenge
Blue Tiger Revenge
A strange and cryptic creature... whose call of stories and reflections echoing out into the vast wilderness of comics and pop culture...