Blue Tiger Revenge
Blue Tiger Revenge
Episode 50: Comic Writer Phillip Kennedy Johnson

Episode 50: Comic Writer Phillip Kennedy Johnson


The Blue Tiger get’s a heavy dose of Gamma with Eisner nominated writer Phillip Kennedy Johnson and his brand new “The Incredible Hulk” series from Marvel Comics!

This is one for the “Monster Kids!” PKJ delivers the kind of Hulk that gives bad dreams nightmares. Gruesomely awesome visuals propel a story that delves into “the darkness” that lurks in the waiting-room of the mind. Inspired by the old school horror comics of yester-year; the kind that the “Comic Authority” would try to shutdown. It’s comic making that would make Bernie Wrightson smile.

The series hints at pitting the Hulk against a gauntlet of Marvel’s best kept critters in a beloved monster-of-the-month format; something rarely seen on the modern “news rack.”

With, top-ten artist, Nic Klein doing what he does best, the art is utterly INSANE! Waxing poetically, it may be some of the most powerful transformations sequences to grace the pages of a “Hulk” book in a long time.

Here at BTR we tend to shift the gears toward the indie, but this is definitely a book to go mainstream for. Johnson brings a fresh and compelling twist to a frighteningly monstrous green guy.

Speaking of indie though… Phillip has one of the best kept secrets in web-comics, that is if you don’t already know about it.The Lost Boys of U-Boat Bremen. Drown in the brine of this WWII tale of the deep sea.

“The Incredible Hulk” series is dropping, NOW, monthly in your local comic shops and funny book pits, so check it out. Keep up with Phillip Kennedy Johnson’s sick storytelling and free-to-read web comics at his site.

Gnar the gamma pig! - Tadd

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Blue Tiger Revenge
Blue Tiger Revenge
A strange and cryptic creature... whose call of stories and reflections echoing out into the vast wilderness of comics and pop culture...