Blue Tiger Revenge
Blue Tiger Revenge
Episode 49: Comic Creators Colleen Palmer & Gabe Cheng

Episode 49: Comic Creators Colleen Palmer & Gabe Cheng


Revenge is best served in print!

We sat down with the creative crew from the ever growing, indie-power-house, Warden Comics to discuss their newest project; “Requiem in Relke.” Written by Gabe Cheng with Colleen Palmer on art, the project’s campaign is currently live on Kickstarter and moving steadily towards its goal.


This one-shot is the story of a half-human named Aurora who has returned to her back-water roots upon learning of the brutal slaying of her grandmother. An assassin by trade, she seeks to extract some much deserved revenge on the local crime lords responsible and discovers that there is much more at play in her sleepy sub-futuristic small town.

Murder! vengeance! Civil rights! Crossroads! And donuts (because who doesn’t enjoy a good donut)! This sci-fi tale has all the elements of the great retribution western. Gabe grants the reader a unique and personal perspective though the inner dialogue of protagonist, Aurora. While Colleen pushes the visuals with her charming painterly style and “golden age” storytelling.

Requiem in Relke” is currently campaigning on Kickstarter, so go and check it out. If you’re a fan of the modern/sci-fi western this is for you. Go! Do it! And while you’re at it visit Warden Comics and all the new books that Ludie Sexton is putting together.


A note from Tadd: The “NOW” is the resurgence of the independent creator through crowd sourcing and self-printing availability. As the veil gets pulled back ever further and the predatory practices of the corporate publishing models get revealed, it is more and more important to support those who actually create the stories and art that we as consumers enjoy. So SUPPORT INDIE COMICS. Help make the indies the mainstream. Even the smallest of gestures can be of the biggest help.

Have you experienced the elusive and majestic energy of the Blue Tiger? Had a sighting in the wilderness of the eternal forest? Tasted the blue milk of it’s revenge? Then let the people know it exists!


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Blue Tiger Revenge
Blue Tiger Revenge
A strange and cryptic creature... whose call of stories and reflections echoing out into the vast wilderness of comics and pop culture...