Blue Tiger Revenge
Blue Tiger Revenge
Episode 38: Guest Host Leila Del Duca w/Special Guest Caitlin Yarsky!

Episode 38: Guest Host Leila Del Duca w/Special Guest Caitlin Yarsky!

Blue Tiger Revenge!

For the first time in recorded Blue Tiger history, a former guest has made the ascension to the cosmic throne of cohost.

Theoretical models warn that even the most subtle adjustment to the BTR broadcast transmission may cause what is known as a ripple effect in the space-time-continuum and thus causation of unpredictable universal events.

This is a risk that we here at BTR are willing to… risk… for you… the cubs.

The wonderful Leila Del Duca replaces Tadd since he, the garbage humanoid that he is, has escaped to Big Island Hawaii for an undisclosed amount of time.

We start the show off discussing the rare and recent Peter Laird interview. Leila breaks down her first time viewing of the 1990 TMNT movie.

Leila proves to be the superior co-host, as she brings a special guest; comic artist, Caitlin Yarsky!

Originally from New York, Caitlin is now in Portland, Oregon and a member of the largest comic book collective of working professionals in the industry, Helioscope Studios.

Her works include Black Hammer: Reborn, Bliss, Catwoman, and DC’s Lazurus Planet. You can find Caitlin, along with links to her socials, at her website.

Everyone, FINALLY, comes clean on why Tadd is universally despised and hopefully lost in some ancient jungle, never to return. Resulting in a long and fruitful reign of Del Duca as the other half of your world tag-team podcasting champions.

Hopefully, lost in the jungles forever…. R.I.P. Milkman.

This is not an episode you want to miss.

Have you experienced the elusive and majestic energy of the Blue Tiger? Had a sighting in the wilderness of the eternal forest? Tasted the blue milk of it’s revenge? Then let the people know it exists!

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Blue Tiger Revenge
Blue Tiger Revenge
A strange and cryptic creature... whose call of stories and reflections echoing out into the vast wilderness of comics and pop culture...